reading revival: a poetry book blog

reading revival is devoted to promoting australian poetry books and related discussion through reading one book - firstly, duty by geraldine mckenzie. i will choose a new book roughly every 3 months

Saturday, May 06, 2006

i was just looking at rimbauds 'les illuminations' - thinking there was a correspondence with 'this doesnt have a name': the energy, the sarcasm, the matter-of-factness too. the energy of duty is unlike the 4 poets mckenzie mentioned: celan, bernstein, niedecker, oppen. mckenzies 'illuminations' are sonnets; still a popular form in these post-metrical (& post-berrigan) days: dorothy porter, jill jones, peter minter, brett dionysius have all been writing sonnets lately. the range of 'ear' of a writer & reader .. i think i probably incline to reading in one way - certainly within one book .. i have to consciously listen for the metrics of illuminations - i just wasnt brought up with iambs .. some readers were .. can they read postmetrical verse..? im avoiding the term free, because many poets use constraints other than metre to give their poems form/tension/control.. we hear music differently i think post-cage - post-hiphop & electronica - post-collage .. concrete poetry is interesting here: sometimes it seems purely visual, without sound, but other times its insistently rhythmic - rock'n roll - basic beats -


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