Monday, May 29, 2006
About Me
- Name: michaelf
- Location: melbourne, Australia
this blog is not about me, but about interesting books. but as i dont have a personal blog heres the brief info on my own books: 1) ode ode, salt 2003; 2) (new): BREAK ME OUCH, 3 deep, 2006 (graphic poetry). to purchase go to my publisher's websites or (or for any other reason) email me - readingrevival at gmail dot com. a raiders guide coming soon from giramondo.
- yesterday we held the book group. 6 attended + me....
- a letter from kris hemensley, of collected works b...
- reminder: book group at 2pm saturday may 27 at st ...
- its my impression prose poems had something of a h...
- more on the sonnet: the sonnet continues both in c...
- a model of a review blog is offered by galatea res...
- the first poem 'adenfrorde' offers a postcolonial ...
- the convenience of labelling - a book or a poet - ...
- blogs i think we need 1:background to my thinking ...
- nonsense ... the line singled out in the geoff pag...
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